This is just a general update to say hello and share a bit on what to expect going forward. If you aren’t familiar with me, I’d suggest going to the About Isabella page to learn about myself, Isabella Hunter, and what this site is about. If you are familiar with me, then you might know that I had a website before this which had a different URL.
One of my goals for this website will be to get all my old content on here in some way, shape, or form. I also want to start writing more specific content on writing, Japanese mythology, and maybe recipes (we’ll see!)
I still have changes I want to do to the site. Notably the readability is quite shocking on some of my buttons right now! If there is anything people want to see from me, let me know here or on one of my socials. Regarding socials, the best one for writing updates is Twitter (X), Facebook gets only major updates, Instagram is used sparingly, and TikTok shows behind the scenes of what I’m actually doing (mainly eating).
I might also expand areas to give more details on my two novel projects ongoing right now. They are both a long way from being submitted for publication but it might be nice to have dedicated areas for them.
That’s all from me for now! I’ll do more updates soon and in the meantime, if you want to read any of my published work you can find them in the Writing area. I might also split the writing page into genres and add details on the various stories to help people.